Privacy Policy

Synergie, a European company with a capital of EUR 121,810,000, whose its registered office is located at 11 avenue du Colonel Bonnet, 75016 Paris - France, HR Paris 329 925 010, processes personal data (as further described below) in the context of its activities, including personal data of those who browse Synergie's web pages.

The purpose of this "Privacy Policy" is to inform all natural persons concerned ("you, your") about the way in which Synergie collects and informed of how Synergie collects and uses your personal data and of the rights you have to control such use. used and of the rights you have to control such use. This also aims to describe the obligations which Synergie undertakes to fulfil in order to comply with the principles of the undertakes to comply with the principles of European Regulation 2016/679, the General Data Protection Regulation.

This policy does not apply to any third party websites to which the websites of Synergie may refer to.


This Policy sets out the principles and guidelines for protecting your personal data, including personal data collected on Synergie's websites.

Synergie collects personal data that is provided online (including by e-mail), on paper or verbally (during personal or telephone conversations); this policy applies regardless of the method of collection or processing.

The term personal data (the "personal data") means any information on an identified or identifiable natural person. An "identifiable" person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly identified, in particular by reference to an identifier or to one or more factors specific to that natural person. which are characteristic of that natural person.

During the use of Synergie's website, the personal data that you you are willing to provide to us will be subject to the provisions of this policy and the applicable terms and conditions of use.

Data collected


To gain access to certain functionalities of the sites and to assist you in your searching for a job, you are required to provide Synergie with certain personal data. Synergie. The personal data collected may include, among other things, your name and first name, postal address, e-mail address, telephone numbers, login and password, information about your career, financial information (bank details), IP address and other personal data that may prove relevant for the purposes set out below. purposes set out below. However, the personal data collected are limited to those that are strictly necessary for the purposes set out below in Article 4.

You are free to provide all or part of your personal data or not. or not. No personal data will be collected without your deliberate choice to provide it. However, if you choose not to provide it, this may undermine the performance of the obligations set out below in Article 4. provide them, this may prevent the fulfilment of the purposes set out below in article 4 and below, and certain services and functions of the websites may not work.

Children's data

Synergie does not target an audience of children under 15 years of age and therefore does not therefore does not collect any personal data from them. Otherwise, Synergie undertakes to undertakes to obtain the consent of the person with parental authority for the the processing of those data, in order to protect that information and to consider it as sensitive data.

Method of collection and purposes

As mentioned above, you provide your personal data on a voluntary basis. basis. This Privacy Policy applies regardless of the method of collection (online, on paper, or verbally during a personal or telephone conversation). (online, on paper or verbally during a personal or telephone conversation). In the case of online collection, this Privacy Policy will be displayed on the websites of Synergie's websites and in the case of oral collection or on paper, you will be informed of the existence of this Privacy Policy. informed of the existence of this Privacy Policy.

The personal data are collected for the purpose of certain functions of the Websites and for Synergie's activities, namely:

  • Managing recruitment
  • Management of career progression and training
  • Payroll administration management
  • Managing relationships with customers and suppliers
  • For marketing or communication purposes
  • Managing the safety of things and people
  • The management of communication tools (fixed and mobile telephone, e-mail) and information systems information systems


Cookies are text files that are stored and used to store personal and non-personal information about your non-personal data about your surfing behaviour on Synergie's websites. register.

Synergie may use "cookies" or other technologies to collect or store personal data in order to improve the services provided to you. store personal data in order to improve the services provided to you.

You will be warned each time you receive a cookie, so that you can decide whether to accept or reject it. whether you want to accept or reject it. By continuing to use the websites with knowledge of the above information, you expressly agree to the use of such cookies by by Synergie of such cookies.

You can also set your browser to refuse cookies systematically. In this case however, certain functions and features of the websites may not work properly and you work properly and you may not be able to access certain services.

Processing and storage conditions of personal data

Processing of personal data shall include, in particular, the use, storage, recording, transmission, adaptation, sharing and destruction of personal data. recording, transmission, adaptation, sharing and destruction of the personal personal data, depending on the circumstances or the legal requirements.

All personal data collected shall be kept for a limited period of time depending on the purpose of the processing and only for the period specified by law. according to the purpose of the processing and only for the period prescribed by law. prescribed by law.

Links to websites not managed by Synergie

Synergie's websites may direct you to other websites via hypertext links. websites. These other sites, to which our site links, may provide you with additional relevant information. Under no circumstances can Synergie be held liable for the content of those sites of which it is not the publisher and the user recognises that those sites and therefore acknowledges that these sites and services of third parties or partners are entirely independent of Synergie. of Synergie. The proposed referral to a third site does not imply a recommendation and Synergie cannot, under any circumstances, be held recommendation and Synergie cannot under any circumstances be held liable for the content of the sites concerned. content of the sites concerned.

Transfer of data

In the event of access to the websites from a country that is not a member of the European Union and whose laws on the collection, use and transfer of data are different from those of the European Union, you In the event that you access the Websites from a country that is not a member of the European Union and whose legislation regarding the collection, use and transfer of data is different from European legislation, you agree to your your personal data is transmitted to the European Union for the purpose of your navigation on the Websites.

If Synergie learns that a third party is using or providing personal data without without complying with this Privacy Policy or in breach of applicable law Synergie will take all reasonable steps to prevent or stop such use or transfer. or to stop such a transmission.

Synergie may also pass on your personal data to third parties (non-exhaustive enumeration):

  1. if Synergie believes that such transmission is necessary for technical reasons (e.g. for the hosting of websites)
  2. or to comply with legal obligations (for example, at the request of the National Social Security Office, tax authority, social inspection, police, creditors...)
  3. of om toekomstige of effectieve tewerkstelling mogelijk te maken bij klanten (bijvoorbeeld aan de klant zelf, aan een ander uitzendkantoor waarmee Synergie een samenwerkingsverband heeft bij een gemeenschappelijke klant, ...)

These transmissions may be made via the Internet, by post, by fax or by any other other method that Synergie considers appropriate and in accordance with the applicable legislation. legislation.

Right of access, rectification, portability and deletion of data

Synergie applies special protection measures to the personal data in order to ensure that that the personal data are used for the above-mentioned purposes and to ensure that it is accurate and up-to-date.

You have a right to inspect your personal data stored by by Synergie. In addition, you have a right to rectification, update transferability or erasure of your personal data. You also have a right to restrict the processing of your personal data.

You can exercise your right of access, rectification, transferability or erasure by sending a letter to the Data Protection Officer (FGB) of Synergie or via the online form.

Address: Desguinlei 88-90, 2018 Antwerpen, België


Security and recipients of data

Synergie will ensure the protection and security of the personal data that you which you are prepared to provide in order to guarantee their confidentiality and to prevent them from being prevent them from being distorted, damaged, destroyed or disclosed to unauthorised third parties. third parties.

Synergie undertakes to comply with the principles of Privacy by Privacy by Design and has taken physical, electronic and organisational measures to prevent the and organisational measures to prevent possible loss improper use, unauthorised access or disclosure, corruption or destruction of this personal destruction of such personal data. Despite Synergie's best efforts to protect your protection of your personal data, Synergie cannot guarantee the infallibility of these guarantee the infallibility of these security measures because of the unavoidable risks which occur during the processing of the personal data.

Because all personal data is confidential, access to it is restricted to those Synergie's employees and service providers who need these data within the framework of the within the framework of the execution of their tasks.

Conflict resolution

Although Synergie has taken reasonable steps to protect personal protection, no technology for the transmission or storage of data is completely is completely infallible

Nevertheless, Synergie is strongly committed to guaranteeing the protection of personal data guarantee. If you believe that the security of your personal data has been compromised or your been compromised or that your personal data has been used unlawfully please contact the Data Protection Officer (FGB) of Synergie. (FGB) of Synergie.


For questions regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact the Data Protection Officer (FGB) of Data Protection Officer of Synergie or use the online form (see Section 9 above).

Effective date and revision of the Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be updated according to the needs of Synergie and the circumstances or if required by law.

This Privacy Policy shall enter into force on 25 May 2018.